[klibc] PATCH: ipconfig may accept DHCPOFFER as DHCPACK

Άλκης Γεωργόπουλος alkisg at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 17:24:18 PDT 2008


I found a bug in ipconfig and I'm sending a proposed patch for it.
I've only seen it happen in 2 dhcp-server environments. Scenario:
ipconfig sends a DHCP_DISCOVER,
server A answers with a DHCP_OFFER,
server B answers with a DHCP_OFFER,
ipconfig sends a DHCP_REQUEST for server A,
ipconfig accepts the DHCP_OFFER from server B instead of DHCP_ACK from
server A. <== BUG

The reason for this was that in dhcp_parse(), DHCPOFFER and DHCPACK
returned the same value (=1). So I had to modify the return values,
and I thought it would be better to return the constants DHCPOFFER,
DHCPACK etc instead of 1,2,3... I tried to keep the changes as minimal
as possible.

I'm not experienced with the diff program, so please excuse the way
I'm sending the patch: it's the result from the "diff main.c
../ipconfig.old/main.c" and "diff dhcp_proto.c
../ipconfig.old/dhcp_proto.c" commands. The version I used was klibc
1.5.10, Release: 1.

Kind regards,

diff main.c ../ipconfig.old/main.c:
< 		case DHCPOFFER:	/* Offer received */
> 		case 1:	/* Offer received */
< 		case DHCPACK:	/* ACK received */
> 		case 1:	/* ACK received */
< 		case DHCPNAK:	/* NAK received */
> 		case 2:	/* NAK received */

diff dhcp_proto.c ../ipconfig.old/dhcp_proto.c:
<  * Returns:
<  * 0 = Not handled
<  * 2 = DHCPOFFER (from dhcp_proto.h)
<  * 5 = DHCPACK
<  * 6 = DHCPNACK
< 		ret = bootp_parse(dev, hdr, exts, extlen) ? DHCPOFFER : 0;
< 		if (ret == DHCPOFFER && serverid != INADDR_NONE)
> 		ret = bootp_parse(dev, hdr, exts, extlen);
> 		if (ret == 1 && serverid != INADDR_NONE)
< 		ret = bootp_parse(dev, hdr, exts, extlen) ? DHCPACK : 0;
> 		ret = bootp_parse(dev, hdr, exts, extlen);
< 		ret = DHCPNAK;
> 		ret = 2;
<  * Returns:
<  *-1 = Error in packet_recv
<  * 0 = Not handled
<  * 2 = DHCPOFFER (from dhcp_proto.h)
<  * 5 = DHCPACK
<  * 6 = DHCPNACK

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