[klibc] Bug#925358: qemu-user-static: mis-emulates something to do with process/signal handling (m68k, s390x, …)

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Thu Apr 4 19:23:01 PDT 2024

Version: 1:8.2.2+ds-2

Michael Tokarev dixit:

> I tried this with current qemu 8.0 and 8.1-rc4.  I can reproduce it with
> mksh attached to Message#47, it hangs in both cases.  However, the above

Same here, using the latest sid qemu-user-static on bookworm.

However, I cannot get this to reproduce with current binary
packages for either m68k or s390x any more, nor (to exclude
cases where the buildd system (most m68k buildds use qemu-user)
has influence) with a klibc-mksh built on ARAnyM.

I think enough changed in qemu-user and especially klibc so
we can close this for now.

<ch> you introduced a merge commit        │<mika> % g rebase -i HEAD^^
<mika> sorry, no idea and rebasing just fscked │<mika> Segmentation
<ch> should have cloned into a clean repo      │  fault (core dumped)
<ch> if I rebase that now, it's really ugh     │<mika:#grml> wuahhhhhh

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