LPSM 0.1.6 released

H. Peter Anvin hpa@zytor.com
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 10:19:06 -0700

I have released LPSM 0.1.6:


This version fixes not just one, but two complete bonehead bugs in 
lpsm_zalloc() (and lpsm_calloc()) that Stephen Engström pointed out to me.

If you're curious, the problem was that lpsm_zalloc() passes the *size* 
of the desired allocation rather than the *order* (lg2(ceil(size))) of 
the allocation to one of the internal routines, resulting in the first 
allocation above 2032 bytes to attempt to be 2^2033 bytes instead of 
2033 bytes.  This caused all kinds of truncation errors and random 
behaviours.  Silly :)
